Stress and anxiety naturally occur throughout our lives. When it becomes extreme, chronic, or when a person becomes unable to effectively cope with it, that stress and anxiety can harm your health and lead to even bigger problems in the body.
That is why it’s so important to be able to access all of your available resources – mental, emotional, and physical – to combat stress and anxiety to prevent overload. At Between the Bridges Healing Center, we utilize therapies that boost your reservoirs of well-being to help patients better deal with the inevitable occasions of stress and anxiety in their lives.
We see patients with a wide range of emotional, mental, and medical concerns that result in chronic stress and anxiety. These issues include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), to name a few.
If stress and anxiety are causing problems for you, check in with the Dr. Kotulski and the wellness staff at Between the Bridges Healing Center about how they can help. Just call (507) 388-7488  today or use our convenient online appointment request form to schedule your consultation.