Integrative Pain Relief Options in Mankato, MN
There are numerous alternative integrative options to consider when it comes to relieving pain.
Rather than turning to drugs – which often only mask symptoms and carry many unwanted side effects, including the possibility of abuse and addiction – the health care providers at Between the Bridges Healing Center advocate and offer an entire realm of alternative pain-reducing therapies, including mind-body techniques, exercises, and more.
A popular choice among our patients is IASIS microcurrent neurofeedback (MCN), a noninvasive therapy in which electrodes placed on the head and neck deliver gentle electrical pulses which help rebalance neural pathways in the brain. It has been shown to help relax the brain and body.
Think there are no effective pain-relieving therapies that don’t involve drugs or surgery? Think again. It’s why so many chronic pain sufferers come to Between the Bridges Healing Center in Mankato, Minnesota, for integrative relief. Call us at (507) 388-7488  today or use the online appointment request form to make your appointment to find out more.