Hormones regulate so much of what we do every day. When all is right with our hormone production and distribution, we barely notice its effects. However, when an imbalance occurs, it can throw your life out of whack – and quick.
While often associated with women – especially when thinking about issues surrounding puberty, menstruation, and pregnancy – hormones play a big role in men’s lives as well.
Low testosterone levels can wreak havoc not only with a man’s sexual performance, but also with his ability to maintain muscle mass, lose weight, control anxiety and depression, and even manage medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
Hormone imbalance is a natural part of the aging process. For example, women experience the effects of menopause such as hot flashes and sleep disturbances, usually beginning at about age 50. Men have a similar hormonal rite of passage called andropause. Sometimes referred to as the male menopause, it can cause fatigue and low libido.
But hormone imbalance is not just associated with a particular age or stage of life. Some people experience chronic irregular hormone imbalance. This can be caused by stress, trauma, poor nutrition, and many other factors – but it doesn’t have to control your life.
If hormones are worrying you, there may be simple remedies that can bring big relief. Find out what the wellness professionals at Between the Bridges Healing Center in Mankato, Minnesota can do for you. Call (507) 388-7488  or feel free to use our convenient online appointment request form to schedule a consultation.